Thursday, May 8, 2008

What does it mean when you don't cry for help?

This blog is here to chronicle nothing except for my own descent into apathy and profound disinterest in all that lies about me.

It exists as sort of a blotter, a rorschach test resembling a bug eviscerated against the windshield as I careen wildly down the backroads of life, out of control, with no destination in mind, content to let the world fly by in an ill-defined blur as I hurtle towards an uncertain and unwelcome destiny.

It's like a dirty little secret, as I hide in plain sight, a guilty little pleasure that I keep wrapped and hidden away, drawing it out only in moments of delusionary spite.

I'm not sure if it's moments of lucidity in the midst of madness, or glimpses of madness breaking ever-more-frequently through the thin veil of coherence I'm able to present to those around me.

Basically, I don't have the energy left to be angry, nor the interest left to summon up more than a token amount of apathy.

When the madman laughs, his once vacuous face suddenly twisted into a rictus of unbalanced mirth, this blog is the string of drool hanging from his chin.

My mind is going...I feel it, and somewhat to my own bemusement, I seem more than content to simply wave a handkerchief from the pier as it sails away without me.!

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